on the seventh day of craft-mas, i made this for my tree…
wrapped peanuts on a string!
This is by far the silliest of the crafts I’ve done in the past week, but it is historically accurate. I found instructions for this one in the 1901 December edition of The Delineator (1). I see it as a step down from the gilded walnut.
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 10 minutes
Fig 1. Necessary tools
What you will need
Tissue paper in your choice of colours
Twine or string
Whole peanuts (unsalted is best)

Now you have a string of peanuts for your tree - something you never knew your tree was missing!
Fig. 2. My string of wrapped peanuts on my Christmas tree!
What I enjoyed
This craft was another really easy one that can definitely be done with kids, and it’s super fast. It’s also a great way to use small pieces of tissue paper that are left over. Plus, it looks very silly which I love.
What i found difficult
The only difficult part of this was finding plain-shelled peanuts, surprisingly. I ended up finding them at Bulk Barn with only a couple of them left at the bottom of the bin, so I guess its a good thing I got there when I did. Seems like everyone is making wrapped peanuts on a string this year!
Anonymous, “Christmas Tree Decorations, Good to Eat and Good to Look Upon” The Delineator, December 1901.