On the fifth day of craft-mas, i made this for my tree…
a popcorn garland!
Popcorn garlands are another one of those things that have become synonymous with crafty Christmas decorations. They are mentioned in an 1899 edition of The Young Folks Cyclopaedia of Games and Sports, which tells us that “Pop corn strung on thread and intertwined among the branches looks well.” (1)
Difficulty: Easy
Time: ~30 minutes
Note: you will need to pop the popcorn a few days before stringing it so that it is stale and easier to work with.
Fig 1. Necessary tools
What you will need
Stale popcorn
Needle and thread
Any kind of spray-on craft sealant or finish (optional)

fig 2. My popcorn garland on my tree!
what i enjoyed
This craft is super easy and cheap! I loved the smell of the popcorn and it is a nice activity to do while watching TV or hanging out with friends.
What i found difficult
Along the way, some of my popcorns got a bit broken. Luckily I had plenty of extras so this was not too much of a problem. My cats, however, were VERY interested in the popcorn and tried to steal a few pieces from the bowl a couple of times. Once I sprayed it with the craft sealant, they left it alone.
Another common practice is alternating popcorns with cranberries! If you end up trying that method or adapting the craft any other way, share it with us on Instagram and Facebook @dalnavertmuseum !
Champlin, John D. and Bostwick, Arthur E. “Christmas Sports”, The Young Folks Cyclopaedia of Games and Sports, 2nd Edition, New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1899, p. 191