On the tenth day of craft-mas, I made this for my tree…
gilded walnuts!
Gilded walnuts are a Victorian holiday staple! They are usually made using gold leaf, but thankfully an 1883 issue of Household Words (edited by none other than Charles Dickens himself) tells us that gold paint is also acceptable (1), so that’s what I used.
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 20 min
Fig. 1. Necessary tools
What you will need
Whole walnuts (I found them at Bulk Barn!)
A paintbrush
Metallic gold paint
Newspaper (to protect your table)

Fig 2. My gilded walnut on my tree!
What I enjoyed
Once again, a super simple craft. If you have a nutcracker (I unfortunately do not), you can open them up first and remove the nut, then glue the halves back together. I love how the light reflects off of the gold paint, it brings the magic of nature to life!
What i found difficult
I would have loved to have tried this craft with gold leaf. I attempted to use a metallic wrap, but it was too thick. I’ll have to give the old fashioned way a shot next year!
Dickens, Charles (editor). “Home-made Christmas Ornaments”, Household Words, vol. 4, 1883, p. 75.