For the superstitious, the curious, and the so inclined,
here is a photo trip through Dalnavert on Friday the 13th.
-compiled by Charlene Van Buekenhout, Director of Programming and Marketing
Canary in Dalnavert - not a sparrow!
A sparrow landing on a piano means death, and also just sparrows in general
- “Little sparrows were believed to carry the souls of the dead to heaven, and killing one was considered a quick way to get your own personal haunting.”
So many stopped clocks
– “Stop the clock at the time of a deceased’s passing in order to avoid your own untimely death.”
Mirror in Jack’s room, 2nd floor.
Cover your mirrors!
-"Curtains would be drawn and clocks would be stopped at the time of death. Mirrors were covered with crape or veiling to prevent the deceased’s spirit from getting trapped in the looking glass."
Squeeze a button for safety
These boot covers are super safe. Here’s why:
-"It is bad luck to meet a funeral procession head on. If you see one approaching, turn around. If this is unavoidable, hold on to a button until the funeral procession passes."
Rose boot covers in Master Bedroom, 2nd floor.
If you need some extra good luck in amongst the bad, find a 4 leaf clover…or anything in 4’s bc it’s considered a lucky number
- “the same number of letters in Yahweh, the Hebrew name of God – has been considered lucky since Ancient Babylon.”
Clover brooch featuring a REAL 4 leaf clover
Careful! Dire consequences should you be clumsy.
– “Dropping an umbrella on the floor or opening one in the house means there will be a murder in the house.”
Parasol in the master bedroom, 2nd Floor.
Of Dogs and Shoes
Finally, my personal favourite
-"A dog howling at night when someone in the house is sick is a bad omen. It can be reversed by reaching under the bed and turning over a shoe."
Boots and Spaniels in Daisy’s room, 2nd Floor.